We recommend creating a single Apple ID for all drivers. Here is how to create an Apple ID without using a credit card.
If you have more than 10 devices, we recommend using a Mobile Device Manager. Apple makes one that is available for free that can be downloaded here.
Settings to configure:
iTunes & App Store
- Automatic Downloads - Apps = ON (Download an app on one device and every device tied to that Apple ID will automatically download it)
- Automatic Downloads - Updates = ON (Automatically install ParaPlan updates)
- Use Cellular Data = ON (All the updates to happen even if the drivers are out of Wifi range)
- Suggested Apps = OFF (This would put distracting icons on the lock screen as the driver goes by stores)
- iMessage = ON
- Read Receipts = ON
- Contacts = ON
- Safari = OFF
- Keychain = OFF
- Find My iPhone/iPad = ON
ParaPlan needs the following permissions allowed (double check from Settings app on iOS and scroll down to ParaPlan):
- Location (set to Always)
- Motion & Fitness
- Allow Notifications On
- Show in Notification Center On
- Sounds On
- Badge App Icon On
- Show on Lock screen On
- Alert Style = Alerts
- Background app refresh
- Camera
- Cellular Data
The following restrictions can be put in place (General > Restrictions):
- Safari
- Deleting Apps
- iTunes Store
- iBooks Store
- Podcasts
- In-App purchases
Do NOT enable the Installing or Deleting Apps restriction as that will prevent ParaPlan updates.