We recently released a highly requested feature for building a new day in ParaPlan. Our 'Build From Previous' tool now has the option labeled 'G' in the attached screenshot, allowing the user to copy the custom times used for each matching trip on date 'B'. This allows users to better utilize the exact stop order and detailed sequencing used previously.
Screenshot Legend:
A - Select Day, the date to build (or re-build)
B - Previous Date (optional), the date to use as a template for building
C - Copy Route Structure (optional), brings all the routes used on the previous date to the date being built
D - Copy Driver Assignments (optional), copies the driver assignments from the previous date to the date being built
E - Copy Start/End Times (optional), copies each route's start and end time assignments from the previous date to the date being built
F - Copy Route Assignments (optional), copies each trip's route assignment from the previous date to the date being built. Only if trip (or subscription) is active and details matched on both days.
G* NEW! - Copy PU and DO Times (optional), copies each trip's previously used pick up time and drop off time designation from the previous date to the date being built.